In the Year 2021, saw a slight change in trend between usage Instagram usage and Tiktok usage. Towards the end of the year, TikTok had gotten over 1 Billion users challenging Instagram as one of the most used social media platforms in their unique category. This has threatened many businesses on Instagram who feels like they are losing their audience to Tiktok. In this blog, we are going to show you how you to massively increase your Instagram engagement and make your business stand out in 2022.

How does the Collab Feature work?

The Collab Feature, with this, collaborators to a single post are shown as co-authors, giving each person the ability to share the post together. This means that both collaborators will have the exact same post in their feeds with the same likes and comments. See the big idea? You’re going to get free access to all the followers of your collaborator with better audience engagement. This is best done with brand influencers. Here at Unmuted Agency, we are big on brand identity. We can properly utilize this new feature to help your brand collaborate with massive brands in your niche, bringing you more sales.


Do Giveaways With Influencers

Giveaways on Instagram is a no-brainer for those who want to boost their customer engagement. Studies by Forbes, show that giveaways help grow an account’s followers by 70% while increasing their comments and likes 64 times more. Do you know you can even reap more rewards and make the above numbers soar even higher? By partnering with a well-known influencer you’d be able to achieve that. Influencer marketing is high in demand now, with most consumers completely dependent on their favorite influencers’ recommendations before they take important actions. If you can get an influencer in your industry/niche to do a giveaway on your behalf, you’d be getting better Instagram engagement.


Utilize more User-Generated content.

The same way influencers can help your business gain legitimate perception amongst consumers, is the same way User-generated content works. Creating your content especially on your Instagram reels has been proven to give you more Instagram engagements. Instagram reels have the same feel as TikTok, hence its popularity. It also allows the creation of organic, non-curated content that brings about user engagement.

User-generated content is surely the best way to get your Instagram audience engaged. Here at Unmuted Agency, we understand that showing you, your product or service in real-life situations will create a better connection with your audience. This is a better way of connecting than creating standard ads which users may not relate with.


Pay Attention To Your Audience.

Another sure-fire way of increasing your Instagram engagement in 2022, is by asking your audience questions and actually listening to them. This obviously gives your audience the feeling that they belong with you, sharing ways you can improve the product they like.  One of the fastest ways to do this is through polls. You can decide to pool your audience through your stories since you’d be getting almost immediate feedback that you can use. You can also set up Instagram groups where you can interact with your customers directly. This can also give you access to some brand ambassadors, who in turn will share insight on the best ways to move your business forward. The most common mistake brands make on Instagram is to simply “post, post, post”, without stopping to listen to what their audience has to say. Make sure to read comments as much as you can. That includes the positive and negative ones, they are all your customers and they all have points.


Offer Repeated Value

Even though you want this to be the case always, bear in mind that people don’t just follow companies on Instagram just so they can buy from them. Some follow you because they want valuables: knowledge, incentives, or tips. Of course, you want your users to always be engaged with your brand regularly. To do this, it’s okay to offer Repeated value; weekly giveaways, useful tricks, and tips, or just about anything sure to keep them coming back.

At Unmuted Agency, we understand all the mechanics surrounding Instagram engagement as well as other social media platforms. We’re dedicated to helping you not only gain useful followers but create contents and activities that will keep your audience hooked to your Instagram page all the time. Unmuted Agency understands that a high level of Instagram engagement can be turned into a massive sales conversion. Thus, we strive to keep your brand page active all the time.

How do we do it?

  • Brand sponsored giveaways
  • Extensive influencer marketing
  • Advanced User-generated content creation
  • Utilizing the Collab Feature.

Feel free to contact us today, for a free consultation. We are always ready to help.


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